摄影宅若在夕阳之中 与你辗转相逢 不知你是否会将我拥入怀中 2018 年 10 月 14 日 by Kanade-Q 出镜:碎星 欢欢 摄影:小Q 后期:碎星 地点:南京六合画家村 若在夕阳之中 与你辗转相逢 不知你是否会将我拥入怀中 Processed with MOLDIV Processed with MOLDIV Processed with MOLDIV Processed with MOLDIV Processed with MOLDIV Processed with MOLDIV Processed with MOLDIV Processed with MOLDIV Processed with MOLDIV Processed with MOLDIV Processed with MOLDIV Processed with MOLDIV Processed with MOLDIV Processed with MOLDIV