摄影宅悠哉的下午茶 2016 年 12 月 28 日 by Kanade-Q 出镜:璞咻 拍摄:小Q 后勤:麻苡,黑喵,绫萝,阿鹤 后期:璞咻 地点:南京水平方的一家蛋糕定制店,名字忘记了 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Processed with VSCO with h3 preset OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Processed with VSCO with h3 preset OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Processed with VSCO with h3 preset Processed with VSCO with h3 preset OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Processed with VSCO with h3 preset OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Processed with VSCO with h3 preset Processed with VSCO with h3 preset Processed with VSCO with h3 preset Processed with VSCO with h3 preset Processed with VSCO with h3 preset Processed with VSCO with h3 preset 人像摄影